Meet the creatives
ABOUT: Gemini Act3

If I think of Gemini Act3, I think of high detailed anime girls, with nice shadings and some fine lettering on the bottom. I have always been a fan of his work. So much detail on such a tiny label. My curiosity was asking him for his story for the Octulos Interviews.

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ABOUT: LatetotheGame
My favorite piece of Latetodagame is probably Gandalf handling a AK-47 while Dumbledore hits the Glock, drawn with just a ballpoint pen on DHL Blanks. From these artworks to murals with lettering. Latetodagame is a allround artist in my opinion, and such a good one as well. Here's is story
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Gork’s work inspires me. His character, with so much detail, expression, shading, and color, is mind-blowing. I can learn a lot from his work because the cleanliness and creativity are always on point. There’s no need to say more—check out his IG for more of Gork after reading his story.
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ABOUT: Olavi Viheriälä
Olavi has one of the most interesting styles. I can see a blend of graffiti and abstract influences in his work. His mixed media artworks have really captured my interest and inspired me to use more techniques in my own creations. I'm glad to have him as part of the Octulos Interviews, and this is his journey.
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ABOUT: Gomez
Gomez has some amazing letter structures combined with cartoons and pop culture references. It's always exciting to see and meet different artists who spark my interest. I enjoy how Gomez applies his creativity to his artwork, and I'm glad to have him onboard for the Octulos Interviews.
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ABOUT: Ox-Alien
Ox-Alien is one of the most-known street artists in the Netherlands, and his impact goes even beyond that. His colorful and creative art has been brightening the streets for years. It’s not just the alien, but the entire setting of his artworks that captivates me. Seeing his character everywhere inspired me to create one of my own. I’m excited to feature Ox-Alien in the Octulos Interviews, and I think you’ll really enjoy hearing about his journey.
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I have watched Sier grow his character with creativity and details. For a young kid he definitely has potential. This is Sier's story.
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Lody is an artist who never stops drawing. Neither place nor time can hold back his passion for art. His exotic, cartoonish character Gwen is an integral part of the sticker community. Lody’s murals of Gwen are always large, and he adapts the character skillfully where needed. I hope to see more of Lody's art in the future. This is his story:
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ABOUT: Christian Zeppieri
I met Christian Zeppieri at Flevopark during a graffiti jam, with his brother and other great muralists. Christian's work is clean and creative with his character, in various kind of atmospheres. From murals to canvasses and digitals. An all-round artist I look up to. To see his work, go the Café Belgique in Amsterdam, it will be there in an ally for the world to see. This is his story.
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Ding is also one of the most creative and skilled persons I know. I have seen Ding's mural pieces and it's colourful and detailed. The cartoons, the lettering, the effects and the colours, murals and even digital pieces makes it hard to miss. His work of art inspires me to grow in my own art journey. This is the story of Ding.
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ABOUT: Nuff Pillz
Nuff is one of DSM's versatile artists. With his many variations in character, cartoons, and lettering. To my opinion one of the most creative guys in the dutch 228 community. Hope to see more of the Pill in the future. This is his story.
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Mr. Clean & Creative, ain't no better way to discribe his art. Tutti's work is always clean in lines, highly creative and a lot of details. I have always enjoyed his work in illustrations, drawing and the murals he has done. Being the best for me doens't mean trading with the world, posting everything online or producing high quantity output. Sometimes being the best, is being humble, love the progression as  much as the results and just being passionate in making art. And that why, in my opinion, Tutti is one of the goats. Here's his story.

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ABOUT: Bonzobubs

Bonzobubs has a unique style in her art, my most favorites are the ones Bonzo creates just using pens. The shadings, the lines, the dots, it all comes together as a beautiful artwork. Each drawing has its own character but in the same unique style. The story of Bonzobubs.

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ABOUT: Majic
When I started my journey in the stickerscene (just a couple years ago) and I must say, I've seen different kinds of artstyle. Mostly I see artist using acrylic markers like Molotow of Posca, alcoholmakers like Onohuhu in combination with pencils. That's what makes Majic to me, very unique in terms of art. The creative ideas, the funny characters, the coloring with brushes and paint, the finishing touch with the crosshatching shadings. Not to forget, the unique toys. This is Majic's story.
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ABOUT: Kristy van der Weck
Kristy's vibrant abstract pieces, along with her portraits, create stunning results. Using various art tools, she adds the finishing touches to her work. Here's something different than the cartoons and graffiti, straight up love and feeling for her own art. Now, let's delve into Kristy's story.
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ABOUT: Theron
Theron was one of my look-ups to during the process of my lettering. His style in letters that connect with eachother and extensions that make the piece wholesome. With the colorfull fillings, 3D directions towards the center, makes Theron's pieces unique. I am thrilled to have him featured in the Octulos Interviews, and I can't wait for you to delve into his creative journey. Here is his captivating story.
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ABOUT: Rus 50
Rus is one of my closest friends and fellow crewmember. We go way back, raving till the early morning. Eventually we traded the nights to color the walls with paint. He has his own unique style. How much I like the stickerscene, I will always love the Graffitiscene more. Finally got my brother to do a internivew with me.
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ABOUT: Small / Smalley
When I began my journey in the world of stickers, I admired various artists, and one of them was Small. His work is consistently creative and clean, and I'm not only referring to his character design, but also his lettering skills. He adds that extra touch of Smalley stuff when contributing to themed collaborations. It took some time, but I'm delighted that he was willing to participate in the Octulos Interviews.
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ABOUT: Monster Dan
Monser Dan, one of the most enthousiastic sticker artist I have met. He has a nice artistic portfolio. We have followed each others work for a while nowand it was time to give a proper interview.
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Witnessing Nowe's art never fails to captivate me with its explosive bursts of vibrant colors. The precision of his clean lines on steel, concrete, and paper consistently leaves me in awe. After encountering numerous unique pieces, I found myself inspired to shift my focus from a year-long obsession with Octulos to honing my lettering skills. This artist truly ignites my motivation through his exceptional artwork. Without further ado, let me share his inspiring story.
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ABOUT: Sinnr
I received an invitation to join the NFG Crew. As a result, I met Sinnr, whose work varies from Hello's stickers to "228's" labels, from canvases to painted cans and not to forget his handfull of digital skills. His unique skull character in bright colors is truly unmissable. Up to this point, in relation to his work, he creates art quickly, with precision and remarkable detail. I managed to arrange an interview with him for my Octulos Interview.
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ABOUT: Dok One
DOK was one of the first people I traded with in this stickercommunity. He works quickly and sends out many packs worldwide. He is a dedicated guy in this community. Here is Dok's story.
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ABOUT: The Unividuals
I started out with ink and paper, working as an illustrator, I found the sense of freedom fascinating. Since that time I stumbled upon many artists creating digital illustrations but The Unividuals is one of my favourites. The details in their work left me stunned.
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ABOUT: RET Cartoons
I have always loves animation. For a small period I have tried it myself but it required learning a new skill that will took me ages to learn again. After scrolling the Gram I saw some badass animation by RET. Liked his style in his artwork and not too long after that, he fixed a animation collab. Never thought I would see Octulos move like that. This is the story of RET
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ABOUT: Gator
I remember when I saw Gator's clean work and detailed work. And I'm not just talking about his character, but also his graffiti. He is allround and creative as fuck, on top of that is his humbleness in his art. Happy to be share my arts with this guy! This is his story!
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ABOUT: Smegy
After saw Smegy making these dope digital jellyfishes. Her fine, colorfull and creative art about jellyfishes, octopuses and her combined mushroom art gave me inspiration to use much more colors in Octulos. Here are her deepsea stories about her art.
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ABOUT: Mr. Kubus
I actually met Kubus trough the gram. I've seen his Friendly Hero a lot in the streets and I like the way he makes the expressions. His artwork apart from the Friendly Hero is mindblown. In my opinion, Kubus is a relaxed, analytical and a creative artist.
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 After seeing all those fine art by Uzio, it kinda shocked me what he reached at his age. At the same age I loved being lazy and this guy is so productive. Always to see him on a lab. I got em to hit up a interview with me.
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ABOUT: Dino Style
I am always curious about the background of different artists what they do for a living but I respect their privacy. Like Dino Style, I asked him to participate in the interviews and he told me that he is a science teacher and how he combines art in his classes. It was really nice to have an artist like Dino Style in the teachers section who actually has a deeper understanding of the sticker and graffiti community. This is his story:
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ABOUT: Check
Check is my homie from the NFG Crew. He has the skills to adapt his character to labthemes with his always colorfull style. I see Check always progressing and upgrading his character. On 228 labs as well as in paint. I got 'em to hit up with a interview with me/ Here's his story.
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ABOUT: Dreamer Lotus
There was a long time ago when I tried to draw portraits. I stopped trying when the eyes never matched and the ratio of the head's elements ( nose, mouth, eyes, ears) was more alienlike then humanform. Because I never could, I respect those who can and thats when I came across Dreamer Lotus her badass chola character. Her cartoonish style portrait character with the shiny, wavy hair is something remarkable. And I got her for a interview. This is her story.
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ABOUT: Future Prospect
When I first started my journey in this creative community, I stumbled upon meany creative artist. One of 'em was Future Prospect, he was a artist I really looked up to, due to his creative and detailed way of work. When some of my friend in my town told me my work looked dope, I told em:"bro, you should look at this guy." That was a true story and I'm glad, I got em for an interview.
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About: Benjii
My impression of Benji is a kind guy and a great artist. And yeah, he is! As both members of NFG crew, I watched his dope work, using posca's, a brush and some water to make them colors fade. He takes a couple days to make a piece but when that piece hits, you'll be amazed! Well, this is Benji's backstory, the founder of the 228 Magazine!
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ABOUT: Thatoolbox
I have been following Thatoolbox for a while now and I like his creativity within his character as well as his throwup style. I'm happy to have him here to tell his story behind his art. This is his story:
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Bugt is 1 of the very artistic guys I know in this stickerworld. His work is clean as a whistle and I like that. Creative with idea and a lot of potential. I like how he works around his character and goes along with different kind of themes. This is his backstory.
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ABOUT: Neutral Victor
As a art lover, there are different kinds of art that  really got my interest. One of my biggest interest would be abstract and pattern design. As a illustrator I made multiple patterns to use as a background for my projects. Thats why this artist caught my eye. I spend couple seconds just to watch her work and all I can say is: clean as f*ck. And this, this is her story.
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ABOUT: Malice Mizery
Before I started doing graffiti and stickerart, I loved making digital portraits and was amazed how other artists could create portraits from photo's onto paper or a wall. I tried it once but I always struggled with the ratio and my eyes were always so different. Once I started stickers I came across your profile and your ratio, shadow and colorwork was so dope that I had to ask for a trade. And by now, you're here telling your story.
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ABOUT: Levxnk
Levnk was one of the first people I traded with. After that, I became his co-member of the NFG crew. I enjoy watching the cartoonish style in his own work. You should definitly check him out!
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About: Octulos
Octulos is my journey into an creative world that has no boundries. I is created to represent my art and the services that I provide as an artist, a graphic designer and a videographer. This is my story.
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This series is a journey in art, I found art in illustrating, murals, music and making video’s.



Octulos is een geïllustreerd personage met dezelfde anatomie en fysiologie als koppotigen, gekenmerkt door meerdere tentakels of armen en drie harten. Tweederde van de zenuwcellen bevindt zich niet in de hersenen, maar in de tentakels. Dit betekent dat elke tentakel zelfstandig kan voelen, denken en reageren. Vermenigvuldig dat met acht, en je hebt een wezen dat multitaskt, klaar om te ontdekken en gretig om te leren.

Mijn persoonlijkheid deelt deze eigenschappen, en Octulos is het boegbeeld van mijn creativiteit. Alles wat met creativiteit te maken heeft, wekt mijn interesse. Ik ben altijd klaar om te ontdekken en te leren wat de wereld mij kan bieden. Ik gebruik Octulos als een uitdrukking om nieuwe ervaringen en momenten te creëren. Onze missie is om overal en nergens heen te gaan, hopelijk ooit, ergens in de toekomst.