Name Sier
Country of Residence the Netherlands
IG Siergraff


I have watched Sier grow his character with creativity and details. For a young kid he definitely has potential. This is Sier's story.

Let's start with a beer. What beer would you say is your favorite?
I don't really drink alcohol, so I'll just have a Monster Energy.

Where did your journey in art begin?
I've been drawing my whole life, so I don’t really know where it started, but I do know that when I was 9, I really began to take it seriously and started drawing every day since then!

How did you end up in the sticker scene?
At first, I was always doing graffiti on the streets, but then the cops got me, so I stopped doing graffiti for a while. That's when I found out about the sticker scene, and I thought, "I want to do that!" So, one thing led to another, and I started doing stickers.



What inspired you to become an artist, and how did you develop your artistic skills?
I don’t remember exactly, but I do recall that I kind of started with Dok, and he told me about the 228 art scene. I thought it was so cool, so I started doing that. Dok really helped me get into it! :)

If you had to describe your artistic style, what would you say?
I don’t really know, actually. Kind of a cartoonish style, probably, but mostly just my own style. It's better not to copy someone else’s style but to make whatever you want! That’s how you develop your own style.

Can you share some of your favorite or most significant artistic projects or pieces you’ve created?
Oh, damn, this is a tough one! I really can't pick just one artwork. I always try to make my art a little bit better than the previous work, so it’s hard to choose, haha. Let’s just say the pinned posts on my Instagram page. :)

You do digital as well as traditional art on paper and walls. What brands and tools would you recommend for paper sketches, and what do you recommend for walls?
For paper: always sketch with a pencil, then use either some cheap alcohol markers or Molotow markers, and add a few details with a fine liner.
As for walls, it’s pretty simple: either Montana Black or Loop spray cans!


"This kind of art really feels like therapy to me."


What do you like the most about what you do?
I love this question! Probably the constant progression. For example, when you look at my first designs of my character a few months ago, you can see it change so much—it’s almost a whole different character! I also love trying out different themes for my character; themes are really my thing.

Building your name is also really fun! And for painting outside, it’s just about making something fun for people on the street. I usually cover up the ugly stuff like crude tags or offensive graffiti. This kind of art really feels like therapy to me.

Are there any artists you look up to?
Yes, definitely! I really look up to Future Prospect, Deez, Dok, Octulos, and Obeks! Honestly, I look up to almost everyone who’s better than me, but these are the main ones. :)



Everyone has their way of working. How do you approach the creative process, from conceptualization to completion?
I find inspiration everywhere! I can just look at the clouds and get like 10 ideas to draw. So I always have something in mind, and then I just pick one and start drawing.

How do you stay motivated and overcome creative blocks or challenges in your work?
All the love from the community is a great motivation, and I always set goals for myself. Like I said, I try to make each new piece just a little better than the last one!

Not all art is for everyone. How do you handle critiques or feedback on your work, both positive and negative?
It really depends on how it’s given. If it feels like someone’s making fun of me, I’ll be like, "Man, screw you." But if someone’s actually trying to help, I’ll try it out and thank them!

I love seeing progress in an artist. What are your long-term artistic goals, and where do you see your art career heading in the future?
I really want to inspire people and make them happy! And of course, just keep improving as an artist.


"Keep smiling, don’t take life too seriously"


Some artists feel there’s a deeper meaning to their artwork. Does your art have a deeper meaning for you?
Not really. All I can say is that it’s some kind of therapy for me. When I’m working on something, I completely forget about everything else.

Do you have anything else you’d like to share with the world?
Yes! Keep smiling, don’t take life too seriously, and just let people be! :)


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