Name: Octulos
Country of residence: Netherlands
IG: @octul0s
When did you started with making Octulos?
I think it was last year in July. I came from the graff joining the stickerworld. So I knew my way around eggshells, stickers and the use of different kind of markers just for tags and little pieces. But then I got introduced by Aidan the Kid on sticker collaboration. That was a new world for me tho. From there I wanted to make a character that was easy and adaptable on every theme of a lab.
What do you like most about what you do?
Most of all I like to be creative with a bunch of other creatives to improve myself. I reckon that this world is easy going, everyone has his own character, their own story and I quite like that about being creative.
What markers do you use? And why ?
I use cheap alcoholic markers and Molotow Twin Markers a lot. For small detailing I use Posca’s 0,7 mm. I am actually trying to make use of Molotows only but I don’t have a big colorrange on the acrylic yet. For me Molotows are the ONE, they cover everything, wide colorrange, can fill them up en mix the colors quit nicely. I recommend it.
Got anything more you want to say?
Keep moving forward my fellow creatives. For all my graffers out there, stay safe! I hope this world of creative community will continue to stay kind, humble and creative.
2 gedachten over “About: Octulos”
Great Interview. Thanks for the impressions 😃💖🐷🔥👍
alfred nguyen