ABOUT: Dreamer Lotus

ABOUT: Dreamer Lotus

Name Dreamer Lotus
Country of Residence  East Bay California, United States
IG @dreamer_lotus


There was a long time ago when I tried to draw portraits. I stopped trying when the eyes never matched and the ratio of the head's elements ( nose, mouth, eyes, ears) was more alienlike then humanform. Because I never could, I respect those who can and thats when I came across Dreamer Lotus her badass chola character. Her cartoonish style portrait character with the shiny, wavy hair is something remarkable. And I got her for a interview. This is her story.


I really like your style of drawing, especially how you do the shining hair. When did you start developing your character like how it is now? 

🖤 My character hasn’t always been the chola, I first started with more of a chibi style with a little boy in a tiger onesie (kigurumi). After a confrontation with another artist, it lead me to evolve my character from a boy to a girl. I continued with drawing my girl in a tiger onesie for a few years and decided to stop in 2016. After taking a few years off i returned in 2020 and noticed how much the slap community has changed,which lead me to slowly evolve my tiger girl to the chola she is today. This chola embodies my growth as a artist and as a person. 


If I look at your drawings, based on your instagram, I get the some South American vibes. Is that correct? If yes, where did your style come from?

🖤 My style reflects the area I grew up in, I’ve always been surround by beautiful chicano art and incredible lowrider meet ups and crusies down 23rd in Richmond California. The Bay Area has always played a huge role in my style from beautiful murals in Oakland all the way to San Francisco. I try to incorporate what I see with a little bit of myself in everything I do.


I have seen a couple pages of your blackbook pages on the highlights of your gram. Hoe long have you been doing art ?

 🖤 I been doing art for as long as I knew how to pick up a pencil. I wasn’t always the best but I knew one day I’ll get there. Till this day my love and passion for art grows more everyday.   

As for the blackbook, I was inspired by dope graffiti writer’s filling up two pagers and pages that opens like a pop up book. After that it definitely inspired me to do a little bit of blackbook for a bit of time. Over time I learned a little of everything.


When did you join the sticker community and why?

🖤In 2012 I found out about the slap community on YouTube. Done a little bit of trading there for a year. A little while after I was introduced to Instagram by a fellow slap artist in 2013. I then joined the community because I’ve always had the love for graffiti at the age of 16… from unique original characters, insane handstyles, dope throw ups and burners, crazy pieces and Insane wildstyles that will make you go cross eyed. I would see them bombed up on walls and always had a sense of wonder of how did they get their work up there, Which is crazy to think about. I’ve just always love the idea of trading stickers. Being able to spread art all over the world and bonding with other artist like me who just want the world to see what they can do. That being a slap artist is being part of a beautiful culture. 


Does your art have a deeper meaning to you ?

🖤 Yes, I feel that my art has shown progress and growth of how far I’ve comes. As well as embodies the culture that surrounds it.


What do you like most about what you do?

🖤 I like the challenge of trying to create something beautiful and original with my own two hands. Sharing my art with people who matters and people who see street art in a good light! Street art reflects culture and the environment we’re in so why not use the streets as our canvas.  


What markers do you use? And why?

🖤  I use mostly Alcohol based markers like copic, chartpak, touch, master touch, spectrums noir, ohuhu and so much more the list can go on forever. However my go to markers would have to be Chartpak and ohuhu at the moment. 


Got anything more you want to say?

🖤 Be you, be true and be original. Don’t let anyone say you can’t be a great artist. Everyone starts from the bottom and there’s always room for growth. Nurture your talent and you’ll take it places you can only dream. With dreams it take progress and with progress it takes struggle. Get up hard & get up fast!! “ Dreamers dream Big” was my oldest quote when I started the slap community so I’m gonna end it with the quote that got me here today. 

4 thoughts on “ABOUT: Dreamer Lotus

  1. avatar Spie_Uno says:

    Anybody that met her before knows. She has come a long way. I happy I got a chance to see her progression to the artist she is now. Yet I believe she still has more to offer.

  2. avatar Aretanocartoon says:


  3. avatar Soul99 says:

    Watching Lotus grow as an artist over the years has been incredible, truly an inspiration and shows what Year’s of dedication and hard work can lead up to.

  4. avatar Malice says:

    The inestimable Dreamer Lotus! Fantastic interview with the fascinating artist behind the fabulous art!

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