ABOUT: Mr. Kubus

ABOUT: Mr. Kubus
Name Mr. Kubus / Friendly Hero
Country of residence Netherlands
IG  @mrkubus


I actually met Kubus trough the gram. I've seen his Friendly Hero a lot in the streets and I like the way he makes the expressions. His artwork apart from the Friendly Hero is mindblown. In my opinion, Kubus is a relaxed, analytical and a creative artist.

Where did your journey in art began for you?
I've always been into drawing and painting. About 16 years ago, i picked up spaypaint/cans. i would say the idear started to crystalize around that time.

I like the Friendly Hero and how you work him in diverse themes. How did you come up with your character?
I would say, for a few years i was looking for a simple character, who i could call my own creation. So the Friendlyhero was born late 2019, and got refined in 2020.
Looking back , corona helped me in a way, and many creative people around the world. it cave us no other option, but to create, and do wat you love.

The dragon you made from a couple years was such a piece of art. When can we expect another exposition of your artworks?
Hehe i totaly not expected you to ask about my other works.
But thanks for the prais.
Ectualy i'm doing a lot of other creative works on the background.
I was thinking about sharing that on the WWW soon as well, but probably in the future im gonna cut a line between Friendly Hero and Mr. Kubus.

What do you like most about what you do?
Or making a connection with people trough my work.
Adding colour to the world^^
I like being in the zone, when im creating.

Does your art have a deeper meaning to you?
My aim is to give it meaning ofcours, wich is a challange always.
Also i strongly belive all 'artists' strife for meaning in there work.

What kind of tools do you mostly use to generate your art?
Everything or anything i can get my hands on, also know as mixed media.
But mostly a pencil and paper. But most people only are vermillar with my work with spraypaint, cans.
Lately i am realy enjoying working with aquarel paints/watercolours.

Got anything more you want to say?
Nah, i think im good, im not realy a writer....Peace!


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1 thought on “ABOUT: Mr. Kubus

Eva Nora Bakker

Hallo mr.kubus,
ik ben groot fan van je straatkunst en vooral de friendly Hero!!!
ik ga vandaag de gele friendly Hero die een muisje aait
boven mijn bed schilderen
ik vind het leuk dat je de friendly Hero voornamelijk bij skate parken schildert.
groetjes Eva Nora

July 7, 2024 at 09:40am

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