ABOUT: Gomez

ABOUT: Gomez
Name Gomez
Country of Residence the Netherlands
IG Gomez.Graff


Gomez has some amazing letter structures combined with cartoons and pop culture references. It's always exciting to see and meet different artists who spark my interest. I enjoy how Gomez applies his creativity to his artwork, and I'm glad to have him onboard for the Octulos Interviews.

Let's start off with a beer. What beer would you say is your favorite?
Not really a beer type. Give me a Bacardi and coke, please ;).

Where did your journey in art began?
Drawing and painting as a kid and started using spray cans near age 15.

How did you end up in the graffitiscene ?
My best friend sucked me into it and got me heavily addicted. Keas. He’s now residing across the globe.

What inspired you to become an artist, and how did you develop your artistic skills?
Keas inspired and taught me a lot. Then seeing all the amazing graffiti around. I ended up going to a graphic school with Keas, but just painting a lot was where most development came.

If you would have to describe your artistic style, what would you say?
Hard to say. I love to play around with all kinds. I am a fan of putting down my favourite cartoons or pop culture references. I’m just trying all I can and seeing what works the best for me.

Can you share some of your favorite or most significant artistic projects or pieces you've created?

Huey Freeman from The Boondocks. Bicycle man was done by @meneermollie
Location: Hilversum Havenstraat.

Majin Buu Gomez and my first attempt on chrome effect fill-in.
Location: Hilversum Hall of Fame

Majin Buu Gomez.
Location: Hall of Fame Hilversum

These are some of my favourite pieces this year.

What brands and tools do you use for your artwork and what do you recommend?
Montana. Everything Montana. 94 and blacks are my favourite.

What do you like the most about what you do ?
The painting of course, but also meeting like-minded people.

Are there any artist you look up to now or in your earlier stage as an artist?
So many really. To name a few Revok Rams, Augor, Same, Animals, 1UP.

Everyone has their way of working. How do you approach the creative process, from conceptualization to completion?
Now I make a sketch and then put it on a wall. Next year I want to freestyle way more.

How do you stay motivated and overcome creative blocks or challenges in your work?
I try to only walk away when I’m pleased. Sometimes I might paint for quite a while.

Not every art, is for everyone. How do you handle critiques or feedback on your work, both positive and negative?
I love constructive feedback. Half the time I apply it. Where’s growth without critique?

The most thing I like to see in an artist is progress. What are your long-term artistic goals, and where do you see your art career heading in the future?
Bigger and better projects. This year we will be as a crew making one of the biggest murals in Hilversum and those are the goals I want to keep pushing. After that project, the 3 biggest murals in my city, I have participated in 2 of them.

"To be honest it’s purely the love for graffiti."

Some artists feel they have a deeper meaning regarding their artwork. Does your art have a deeper meaning to you?

To be honest it’s purely the love for graffiti. And my hidden or not so hidden pop culture reference. Sometimes there are hidden meanings, but those are all situational.

Do you have anything else you would like to share with the world?
Never stop doing what you love to do! I stopped graffiti for years and still regret it to this day.


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