Pokemon TCG Rarity Explained

Pokemon TCG Rarity Explained

Every Rarity In The Pokémon TCG

From Common To Hyper Rare

The lower end of the Pokémon TCG’s rarity scale is also the most straightforward, beginning with Common cards. Common cards make up a large portion of any set, depicting most basic Pokémon. Uncommon cards introduce evolved Pokémon and Trainer cards, while Rare cards feature particularly notable Pokémon, like Legendaries. However, there are many further subcategories of Rare cards, each with its own defining characteristics. Such cards are usually among a given set’s most powerful cards, feature variant artwork, or both. The full list of current rarities is as follows:

Rarity Notable Characteristics
Common Most Basic Pokémon
Uncommon Evolved Pokémon and most Trainer cards
Rare Powerful but non-variant Pokémon cards, including Legendaries
Double Rare Pokémon ex
ACE SPEC Rare ACE SPEC Trainer cards
Illustration Rare Full Art Pokémon cards
Ultra Rare Full Art Pokémon ex and Supporter cards, or a unique mechanic like Pokémon V
Shiny Rare Otherwise normal cards featuring Shiny Pokémon
Shiny Ultra Rare Variants of Ultra Rare cards featuring Shiny Pokémon
Special Illustration Rare Even rarer versions of some Pokémon ex and Supporters
Hyper Rare Golden versions of a variety of cards, excluding Supporters


How To Tell The Rarity On Your Pokémon Card

Clearly Visible Symbols Make Determining Rarity Easy

The rarity of a Pokémon TCG card can be easily distinguished by the rarity symbol found at the bottom of the card, to the right of the card’s set number. The precise position of this symbol has changed over time, originally being found in the bottom right. However, on modern cards, it can be found alongside other identifying information in the card’s bottom-left corner. Notably, in the case of promotional cards, this symbol is replaced with a black star overlaid with the word "PROMO." All other current rarity symbols are as follows:

Rarity Symbol
Common Black circle
Uncommon Black diamond
Rare Black star
Double Rare Two black stars
ACE SPEC Rare Magenta star
Illustration Rare Gold star
Ultra Rare Two silver stars, or a white star prior to Scarlet & Violet sets
Shiny Rare Hollow gold star
Shiny Ultra Rare Two hollow gold stars
Special Illustration Rare Two gold stars
Hyper Rare Three gold stars

Set Numbers and Secret Rare Cards in the Pokémon TCG

Understanding Set Numbers

Set numbers are essential for identifying Pokémon cards within a specific set by their order or number. Collectors often use these numbers to search for specific cards online. To locate a card's set number, check the bottom-right or bottom-left corner of the card, close to the rarity symbol. The set number is written in the format XXX/XXX.

For example:

  • First number: The card's position within the set.
  • Second number: The total number of cards in the set.

Secret Rare Cards

Secret rare cards are the rarest Pokémon cards in any set. These cards are unique because their collection number exceeds the total number of cards in the set. For instance, a secret rare Pikachu might have the set number 160/159, with "160" indicating it is beyond the officially numbered cards.

Secret rare cards are highly sought after due to their limited availability and unique characteristics. For every secret rare card, there is often a counterpart of a lower rarity that shares the same name and gameplay mechanics. However, the two cards frequently differ in appearance, with secret rares boasting more intricate or exclusive artwork.


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