Starting Fulltime Freelancing 04:<br>Creating a Lifestyle with the 21/90-Day Rule
Digital Paradoxes

Starting Fulltime Freelancing 04:
Creating a Lifestyle with the 21/90-Day Rule

They often say that it takes 21 days to either learn or unlearn a personal habit. It really gets me thinking if this is truly the case because I want to change my mentality and develop a productive mindset. My dream is to become a freelancer and work wherever I can. So, before I can pull this off, I need to work on some of my negative habits, which include procrastination, fear of failure, overthinking, and lack of discipline. After thoroughly reflecting on myself, I have created a list of negative habits that keep me from reaching my goals. These four are my focus for the upcoming 21-day period.

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Starting Freelance 03: Marketing Strategies
Digital Paradoxes

Starting Freelance 03: Marketing Strategies

After I graduated, my original plan was to pursue a career as a graphic designer. That was about 8 years ago. Since then, the creative industry has undergone significant changes, particularly with the rise of AI, the evolution of social media branding and strategies, user-generated content (UGC), and the emergence of roles like content creator and user experience designer (UED). Graphic design seems to have become just one component of a broader spectrum.

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Starting Freelance 02: The question, where to start?
Digital Paradoxes

Starting Freelance 02: The question, where to start?

They say preparation is half the work, and from my experience, I can confirm this. Several years ago, I already completed basic administrative tasks like registering as a freelancer, creating a bookkeeping template, and learning how to handle VAT. The question that came to my mind is, how am I supposed to attract clients? How do I convince clients that I am the creative solution they're looking for?

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Starting Freelance 01: Picking up freelancing, where I left of
Digital Paradoxes

Starting Freelance 01: Picking up freelancing, where I left of

For several years, I've embraced the life of a versatile freelancer, a journey filled with its share of highs and lows. Along the way, I've also engaged in conventional employment to meet my monthly expenses. However, this diversion consumed valuable time and energy, making it challenging to fully pursue my true passion: expressing creativity across various domains.

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